But What Are We Doing Anyways?
But What Are We Doing Anyways? — YWAM Family DTS — Haayema Family Ministry from Dusty Haayema on Vimeo.
Lecture Phase
Here is a little glimpse into what our time at YWAM for out Family DTS (Discipleship Training School) might look like. We are looking forward to the community and growing in our faith alongside others. YWAM Kona truly wants this to be a big part of your journey while you are there. That means lots of the daily things that we will be doing have to do with living in a God honouring community.
Each day is a little bit different but we used a Monday as the example day here. These are the types of things that we will be doing.
7:00AM Breakfast
8:00AM Group Worship
9:00AM-12:00PM Lecuture Phase / Foundation School
12:00PM-1:00PM Lunch
1:00PM-2:45PM Campus Work Times
Outreach Phase
After the lecture phase, we will be sent out on outreach to put into practice all of the skills that we just learned. This will be a time where we will help others by showing them the love of Christ and telling them about the good news of God! We are so excited about this! We have no idea where we will be called to go for our outreach at this time and we actually don’t find out until we are at YWAM Kona. There are about 40 different nations that we could be sent to. I think that they give us an option of 4-6 places and you pray with your family to make the decision on where God is calling you.
Some of the things that we might get the opportunity to do while on outreach are:
• Community Work – helping people with their daily tasks.
• Building schools or other buildings.
• Digging wells or helping with other big projects.
• Running VBS – Vacation Bible School
• Helping teach English reading and writing.

We are so thrilled to be called into the mission field and we are all eager to see how God will use us. Warren and I currently feel that our calling is a longer term situation. We feel like we are being called to be pasted somewhere for a 2 to 5 year period at this point. Warren and I both feel like God is calling us to an Asian country but we will see the exact details of this later of course.
We hope that you decided to come along on this journey with us!
You can read our last mission blog post here: http://www.beatofourdrum.com/answering-the-call-into-missions-ywam-family-dts/
Facebook Group — facebook.com/groups/haayemafamilyministry/
Instagram — instagram.com/beatofourdrum/
Facebook Page — facebook.com/beatofourdrum/
Facebook fundraiser:facebook.com/donate/539903196717439/
Directly to YWAM for our tuition fees: apply.ywamkona.org/s/payment?cId=003f4000010eV73AAE
Square Checkout: checkout.square.site/pay/583f4dd235384a958f96415d50a64d1d
You can buy a t-shirt, sweater, or other merch! bonfire.com/store/beatofourdrum/